Brand Name of Enterprise:
in Russian:
Full – ôåäåðàëüíîå ãîñóäàðñòâåííîå óíèòàðíîå ïðåäïðèÿòèå «Ïðåäïðèÿòèå ïî ïîñòàâêàì ïðîäóêöèè Óïðàâëåíèÿ äåëàìè Ïðåçèäåíòà Ðîññèéñêîé Ôåäåðàöèè», Short – ÔÃÓÏ «ÏÏÏ»
in English:
Full – Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Production Supply Enterprise of the Administrative Department of President of the Russian Federation”
Short – FSUE “PSE”.
Location and postal address of Enterprise: 125047, Moscow, 2nd Tverskaya-Yamskaya, 16
Enterprise is a legal entity, a commercial organization.
The founder and owner of property Enterprises is the Russian Federation.
Enterprise created for purposes of complex material and technical support of organizations and individuals, maintenance that entrusted to the Administrative Department of President of the Russian Federation and its subordinate organizations, as well as the implementation of activities in order to solve various social tasks.
In the first stage Enterprise was created on basis of property and warehouses of Gossnab the RSFSR (building on street of 2nd Tverskaya-Yamskaya, 16), financial and economic management of Highest Council of the Russian Federation and building association of Administrative Department of President of the Russian Federation, as well as buildings and constructions of Economic-calculation base of Administrative Department of President of the Russian Federation.
In addition, to create a single property complex were included in Enterprises CJSC "Lianozovo-Torgservis", CJSC "Tehnotorgservis" and SUE "Foreign Economic Association" Goskonsim", which later was transformed into the Department of Foreign Economic Relations.
In accordance with Plan of Development Enterprise have been created new structural divisions, whose work is focused on development a profitable side of the budget.
First independent structural division was Department supply of products that and currently is leading division and operates on supply of goods, works and services for needs of Administrative Department of President of the Russian Federation and its subordinate organizations.
The same time it was created for real estate management and investment, whose main activity is the effective use of federal property assigned to the enterprise on the right of economic management, safety and maintenance of its in good condition, to ensure the proper functioning of engineering systems of objects Enterprises
In February 2003 established the Department of telecommunications systems, that possible to organize a fundamentally new direction in activities of Enterprise associated with work on creation means of information protection and implementation in area protection of state secrets.
This department is equipped with modern high-tech testing laboratories and stands, carries out activities in area of development and introduction of new information technologies and complex information protection in the interest government authorities.
This department has its own manufacturing and laboratory base for research, development and production technical and program means, carried out whole complex of works on creation, protection and certification of information objects, including special inspections, surveys, laboratory and objective special studies with issuance kit of permits and maintenance documentation.
In March 2005 for organization of tenders (auctions, requests of price quotation) for procurement of goods, works and services established Department of competitive work as independent structural division that has allowed to work successfully in different areas market of government procurement.
In April 2010 established Department of special projects, whose main tasks are organization and implementation of activities for supply of goods, works and services for state and municipal needs, as well as commercial activities in area import operations with supply of products.
Enterprise is constantly developing, its image, business and public reputation have increased significantly.
Enterprise has done of great volume work on preparation and carrying out actions of international summits, including technical equipment and support events APEC Summit, 2012 on Island of Russkyi, meeting member leaders of countries G-20 Summit in St. Petersburg , SCO and BRICS Summit in Ufa and other major forums.
Enterprise performed functions of general contractor on project of creation, construction and equipping Presidential Library of Boris Yeltsin, and was introduced conception and strategy of library development considering international experience.
With participation of Enterprise equipped with all necessary rooms of the Moscow Kremlin, the House of Government of Russian Federation, complexes of buildings and constructions of the Constitutional Court to St. Petersburg and other state authorities.
Enterprise was repeatedly awarded various diplomas and memorable signs, including: recognized of industry best supplier for state and municipal needs; best supplier in area of information technology and best supplier in area information security services.
In 2013 Enterprise celebrated its 20th anniversary.
During the existence, Enterprise headed by:
From October 2021 to present time, head of Enterprise is Gubin Pavel.
Enterprise is a large economic entity with an optimized organizational and staff structure, and enough human resources to solve of assigned tasks.
All divisions of Enterprise operate within a unified economic strategy in order to reach of final results.
Enterprise continues to be engaged in complex supply of material and technical resources of federal legislative authorities, executive and judicial authorities of the Russian Federation, as well as organizations of various forms of property and physical persons.
Enterprise has reputation as reliable partner in all areas of economic activity.